Thursday, 26 September 2013
Audience Targeting
Here is a prezi presentation that was crested by me. This shows many aspects of my target audience including different topics that may be interest to either males or females as well as many interests they may share.
(awaiting stills and movie clips)
What I learnt from this planning are the interests and affairs behind my target audience as well as all the areas in which may appeal to them. What this has allowed me is to ensure whilst creating my documentary I am including topics and language in which may grab them and make the documentary appealing to them as they are my target audience of what which I am reaching out to. Overall, with this prezi presentation I have listed all the diffrent areas such as age, gender, Interests such as home and leisure, sport, the country side, celebrity and taking into account the socio-economic classification of my target audience including the type of language and topics I include.
Preliminary Task
Preliminary Task –Music Video
The first of three preliminary tasks was to create a music video with the song ‘Candy Shop’ by Madonna. In this piece I worked with two other people and we came with a suggestion, in order to make a successful music video you need to keep the cuts fast and simple. As you will see in this video we used a number of different clips more than once which I thought worked really well as this made the clip seem fast and smooth which worked really well with a music clip. I decided that colour is highly important with a song that is happier rather than sad or depressive emotion. Therefore, with the song being more of an upbeat nature, I believed it would be relevant to include colour that was bright and vibrant.
I have learnt that in order to make a successful music video you need to be able to tell a story through the emotions of the actors as well as everything that is included in the mise en scene of the music video.
(Video to be Uploaded)
Preliminary Task – Documentary
The second of the three preliminary tasks was to create a documentary that appeared to be informative and of a relevant subject. The subject that I and the other two people I worked with decided to base our documentary around the sports facility here at our school Tavistock College. The conventions of a documentary is to keep it interesting by adding a number of cutaways as well as including interviews with people but adding a cutaway as the interviewee is talking as this makes the person speaking not seem to talk long to a point where the audience loses interest and seem more interesting. This is also a great way in showing the audience what that person is talking about.
What I have learnt from completing this preliminary task is the idea of using cutaways as well as the voice overs that we implicated over these and found this was a very successful technique to making a documentary interesting.
(Video to be Uploaded)
Preliminary Task – Television Advert
The final preliminary task to create was a moving television advert. The product that I and the other two got given to advertise was a men’s sure adventure can of deodorant. The conventions I learnt from creating a T.V advert was to keep what was happening within it clear and ensuring the audience are clear on what product is being advertised to them. I decided it would be a good idea to relate the plot of the advert around the can of deodorant which would be a guy working out in the gym and then using the can of deodorant after the work out. We also used the slogan which is also already marketed by Sure ‘Sure it won’t let you down’.
What I have learnt from creating a television advert is how to make cuts fast and snappy and not drag as well as selling a product as clearly as possible in such a short space of time.
Sure advert - with music - complete cts from Tegan Cunningham on Vimeo.
History & Development

Early film before the 1900’s was dominated by the novelty of
showing an event. They were single shot moments captured on film which were
seen to be a train leaving a station, a boat docking or factory workers leaving
In 1922, Robert Flaherty film Nanook of the North, generally
cited as the first feature length documentary. The film used many conventions
of today’s documentary’s that are often broadcast such as third person
Robert Flaherty’s first feature length documentary was seen
to look like and include:-
Filmed in black and white
Use of sharp, sudden cuts
Long lasting cuts
Shot in a handheld style- Unsteady Camera
Codes and Conventions for modern day documentaries:-
Voice over
‘Real’ footage of events
Archive footage/ stills
Use of texts/ titles
Visual Coding (mise-en-scene/ props/ Setting)
The main difference between modern day documentaries and
documentaries that where filmed in the 1900’s is documentaries present are now
shot in colour with much advanced technology such as steady cams and cameras
that are much more portable which gives a much wider range of footage, and not
just scenes of long lasting cuts. This makes modern day documentaries much more
appealing and less boring to watch compared to the first set of documentaries
that had been broadcast to an audience.
How research has partly helped me with my project of filming
an original documentary is recognising that fast cuts are highly important to
include in any documentary. Also, I have learnt how to use mise-en-scene within
a documentary clip such as showing close-ups in order to show the audience the
importance of something and what the main focus the documentary is informing
about. Also, I have learnt the basics behind making a documentary clip is the
rule of thirds, editing (fast cuts) keep it interesting.
The BBC seems to be the best channel to air a documentary
programmes as this channel already airs many documentaries of the sort such as
current affairs all the way to documentaries about consumers rights. However, I
have acknowledged there are TV channels that are designated to showing documentaries
such as discovery channel but do not have near enough the same viewing figures
as to what the BBC has.
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