Thursday, 12 December 2013

Double Page Magazine Advert Plan

As well has creating a documentary, a radio advert, the last part involves creating a double page magazine advert promoting my documentary.

Below is a plan of what I want my double-page advert to look like.

What I have learnt from producing this piece of design work is a clear view of what I am to include within the piece as well as making it clear on how I can make it proficient or excellent. I have also understood the font and text size I am going to use by identifying the contrast between the title and text. I have also come up with the idea of having the Southwest UK map with the presenter stood as part of this. I am still also thinking of adding a blurred image of Focus as after all, in this double page spread I am wanting to promote the documentary series and emphasis the fact Focus DIY store closure is focal point of the series. 

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Montage Test Shot

This is a different test shot that I created with two other people and this was a montage. This was where different objects and locations was filmed and all edited together to end up as a final piece being a montage.

What I have learnt from doing this montage test shot is that these are usually used to show the passing of time. What I also learnt was montage was French for 'cutting'.

Experiment Tracking Shot

This is an experiment shot that was practised with two other people. What we have tried to do with this is show a character walking down a corridor and attempting to film this as smoothly as we could get it in order to create a sense to the audience being included in the scene. How we achieved this was having the person filming, which was myself, with another person pulling me on a chair with wheels away from the character walking in order to create a tracking shot.

What I have learnt from this is how to film a tracking shot smoothly and the many ways in which this could be achieved. The test shot I filmed above was created by being sat on a chair being pulled whilst filming. Other ways I learnt in order to create a smooth tracking shot was pulling the camera on a board with wheels or sat in the back of a car whilst moving slowly away again in order to create a nice smooth tracking shot.

Tuesday, 5 November 2013


             Focus/ Tesco Documentary: South West Investigates

(Presenters stood in front of current Focus Store)

In tonight’s programme, AN APPLICATION is to be submitted this spring for retail giant Tesco to create a supermarket at the former Focus DIY site in Tavistock.

The Tesco planning application will seek permission to widen the range of goods that can be sold from the site within the existing building, and to allow for the removal of the former garden centre area to provide additional car parking.


Hello, I am Tegan Cunningham and you’re watching the South West Investigates.

AN APPLICATION is to be submitted this spring for retail giant Tesco to create a supermarket at the former Focus DIY site in Tavistock.

Marchfield Properties, who owns the site at Tavistock Retail Park on Plymouth Road, is preparing to hold a public exhibition in advance of a formal planning application for a medium-sized food store of 17,000 sq. ft.
If approved, the proposals would bring the unit, which has been vacant for more than 18 months, back into use and could create up to 100 jobs.

Unfortunately the people behind these plans are un able to speak to us today but what they have said is thisThe store would sell some household items but not large white goods or clothing because it does not want to compete with town retailers”,’. It will be primarily designed to give people an extra choice for their food shopping.


So the company does not supposedly want to compete with town retailers, but is this really the truth? We talked to some town retailers to see if they thought this was really the case.


(Interview with town retailers)


The workforce planned for the new Tesco store will be made up of 25% full-time staff and 75% part-time staff, a ratio which meets the demand of the majority of people who applied to work at Tesco in a recent survey held amongst the locals.
Jonathan James, of Marchfield Properties, said: ‘Everyone who we have spoken to wants to see this prominent site brought back into economic use.


Tesco has demonstrated its commitment to make this happen and is prepared to make a considerable investment in Tavistock and in doing so fulfil the need for greater choice for shoppers as well as providing much needed employment opportunities for job seekers in the town.

However, the real question behind this all, do we really need a wider selection of goods? Is Morrison’s here opposite enough?


We would like to hear your views


(Contact info voice over)


Filmed in the location: Classroom/Office

I am now here with Melanie Chiswell who is corporate affairs manager for Tesco, Melanie what do you make of this application made?

(Actor Reply)


Filmed presenter infront of focus store

So we thought we would carry our own research on local residence to the Tavistock area. This is what we found……


(Interview with local residence)


So this is what the locals think, with Tesco submitting this application for this spring is looking as if it’s about to be given the go ahead and we are not necessarily going to see the true matter of opinion until it is in full swing. But is this then going to be too late and really shut down Tavistocks high street for good?

Join us next time on the south west investigates. Goodbye


Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Audience Research: Interview Questions

Audience Research: Interview Questions

1.       What is it you like to see in a documentary i.e. on screen narrator or off screen or lots of cuts of the location that is centre of the programme?

2.     What is it you hate with a documentary? I.e. are there any conventions you hate or wish to change?
3.    Do you often watch a documentary?
4.   What subject do you most enjoy watching a documentary about i.e. sport/ current affairs/ celebrity?
5.    Are you often interested in public perceptions of these matters, do you really want to see these being interviewed on the street?  
From asking these questions this has enabled me to explore all the different aspects on what are my target audience likes and dislikes about documentaries as well as any dislikes about documentaries ensuring I keep away from including these in my documentary. I also asked how often people watch documentaries therefore can give me a knowledgable understanding of how often and demandign these media texts are.


Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Regulation Research: Ofcom

Regulation Research: Ofcom

Ofcom is required under the communications Act 2003 and the broadcasting Act 1996 in order to draw up a code (guidelines) for televisions and radio. Some examples from this covers the standards in programmes as well as fairness and privacy. This is known as the Ofcom broadcasting code.

Where a television programme or radio has breached the Ofcom code, Ofcom would normally publish whatever there findings of any programme or radio breaching the code and formally stating why a broadcasting breached the code. If the code was to be breached deliberately, seriously or repeatedly, Ofcom may impose statutory sanctions against the broadcaster.

When applying the code to content, broadcasters should be aware that the context that appears in their programmes is highly important. With Ofcom setting a guideline which I will explain further, Ofcom has taken into account the following:
  • The likely size and composition of the potential audience for programmes in television and radio.
  • The likelihood of persons who are unaware of the nature of a programmes content being unintentionally exposed by their own actions to that content.
The code does not address each and every case. Broadcasters face a number of individual situations and the code sets more of a clear overview of the guidelines therefore making it easier for broadcasters to make a necessary judgement.

The rules regarding under eighteens are put in place in order to ensure people under eighteens are protected.

Content and material that might seriously impair the physical, mental or moral development of people under eighteen must not be broadcast.

Children must also be protected by appropriate scheduling from material that may not be suitable for them. The nature of the content, the likely number and age of children who may be viewing as well as taking into account school, time, weekends and holidays when it comes to judging appropriate scheduling.

Television broadcasters must observe the watershed, although this does not apply to radio. Currently, the watershed is at 2100. Material unsuitable for children should not be shown before 2100 or after 0530.

Although Radio broadcasters do not have to consider the watershed, they must have particular regard to times when children are particularly likely to be listening.

Violence and crime must not be featured in programmes primarily for children unless there is strong additional justification. Strong language and sexual content can not be shown before watershed and drugs, smoking and alcohol must not be included in programmes primarily aimed at children and must not be glamorised in programmes before the watershed.

Broadcasters should be careful not to provide clues which may lead to the identification of those who are not yet adults and who are maybe involved in being a victim, witness, defendant or other perpetrator in the case of sexual offences featured in criminal, civil or family count proceedings.

What I have learnt through carrying out this research is the basic guidelines of what broadcasters are allowed and are not allowed to include in both radio and television programmes as well as learning what the rules are regarding the employment of under 18's within these programmes as well as these programmes being shown to this age group.

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Textual analysis

As part of my research into documentaries, I have produced a textual analysis using stills of a documentary made by BBC Panorama.

This first still shows a regular on screen presenter talking about what topic this programme is going to based on. This is usually the same bases with many other documentaries broadcast as well as including the channels logo it is to be shown on or filmed by. This can usually be shown on set of where ever the main location is going to be the "highlight" of the documentary or can be set against a background of any sort as long as its clear by having onscreen or third person narration what the documentary is going to be about, this is because the audience would have no clue by seeing the setting to give it away.

Mise en Scene in this shot is a close-up of the presenter shot in front of a lite up building. The reason why I believe this to be used is because this is a well known documentary called 'Panorma' and as we would later see as the camera slowly zooms off of close-up to more of a long shot, we then see the 'Panorma' logo on the building which gives a great significance that the building is of Panorama and this is where all the investigations take place. Therefore, this is to create the sense of the presenter being at home and then going away to investigate the chosen topic the documentary is to be about.

Once there has been an intro given by narration, this is usually followed by 10 seconds of fast cuts of whats to be featured in the programme. This can be cuts of the location, interviews and customer opinions. Already, by this point the viewer will feel as if they would be interested in watching the documentary or would rather not. Therefore this is crucial in keeping viewers interested so that they don't turn over the channel rather than watching the documentary.

Mise en Scene in this shot is an aircraft that belongs to 'Ryan Air' which has been shot using medium- close-up of being in mid-air. I believe the reason why this has been used is so the audience is clear on what is happening and what the topic is, in this case of an airline and views this cut aways now and again and a reminder of what the programme is about.

This is also a still taken from the fast cut introduction. This is a still of a person who this documentary is based around. These stills have been taken from BBC Panorama which is all about Ryan Air. Therefore, in this case the reason why we see the man above is because he is the owner of the airline.

Here, in this shot we see the owner of the airline and is shot walking holding documents which is creative in a sense of media as this shows someone with importance. This is to clearly indicate this person is important and with a man behind him as well as the man in front are both wearing smart clothing which also indicates the sense of importance.


Once the programmes introduction has been shown, there is then a title sequence or short cut of the programmes title. This is usually used to advertise the programmes name.

The logo is creative as it is a sphere shape which represents the earth with multiple windows of images which indicates this is a programme which investigates all means and information all over the world.

We then cut back to the on screen presenter or in some cases third person narration heard over the top of shots shown. In most documentaries we see an onscreen presenter with them narrating throughout the programme as well. Again, this is the programme being introduced in more detail.

Again, mise en scene is of the brightly lite building with dark flooring but the presenter appears to be lite by a spotlight which brings importance to the presenter and shows the presenter is the key importance to this shot.

This is a shot of the location being talked about or "featured" in the programme. I believe this is critical for a documentary to show this as otherwise the audience are going to have no clue what is being explained to them as well as what they are relating to.

Mise en scene in this shot appears to be of an airport as of a close up of a pop-up poster of a Ryan air craft advertising the destinations of which it flies to. In the distance behind this it shows inside the airport as we see the check in desks with passengers wishing to check in. This again in a cut away which has the job of reminding us again the key topic of this documentary, so that the audience don't lose focus on what the documentary is about.


As well as many other documentaries, 90% of the time a documentary includes an interview of some kind. This can be spoken over the top of a cut away or on screen. This includes titles showing the name and sometimes who they are.

Mise en scene is of a man which has his name edited on top of the shot, which appears to be shot in a garden with the garden shed which indicates this to me. However, the reason why I believe this to have been used is to show this person as being an outsider away from the main focus of the documentary. This can often be used in a documentary

This links with above, as well as including an interview on screen customers/ public opinions have been shown on screen using text. I believe this keeps a documentary interesting as it is not following the same old conventions as many other documentaries which is using on screen interviews and using something initiative and different.

Mise en scene is of a deep blurred background which appears to be the location of where the documentary is focusing on. This keeps this shot of customer opinions interesting and keeps it linked to the subject of the documentary without causing the audience to lose focus and show this is still part of the topical discussion. To me this also gives the sense of an outsiders opinion, this being shown in a way of someone who is not related to this location has commented in a negative way as we do not see an on screen appearances of anyone who has made these comments.

Once the main bases of the programme is over we then cut back to the programmes regular on screen presenter. This is so the same method that is used at the beginning of the programme as an introduction but as an overview and to conclude the documentary.

Again we see the building behind the presenter which again brings the sense of being the High Quarters with the presenter again highlighted by a spotlight which shows the viewers the focus of this shot is on the presenter talking.

Finally, at the end of most documentaries it is followed by credits which lists all the people who have been involved with the programme and any locations and extras used.

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Audience Targeting

Here is a prezi presentation that was crested by me. This shows many aspects of my target audience including different topics that may be interest to either males or females as well as many interests they may share.

(awaiting stills and movie clips)

What I learnt from this planning are the interests and affairs behind my target audience as well as all the areas in which may appeal to them. What this has allowed me is to ensure whilst creating my documentary I am including topics and language in which may grab them and make the documentary appealing to them as they are my target audience of what which I am reaching out to. Overall, with this prezi presentation I have listed all the diffrent areas such as age, gender, Interests such as home and leisure, sport, the country side, celebrity and taking into account the socio-economic classification of my target audience including the type of language and topics I include.

Preliminary Task

Preliminary Task –Music Video
The first of three preliminary tasks was to create a music video with the song ‘Candy Shop’ by Madonna.  In this piece I worked with two other people and we came with a suggestion, in order to make a successful music video you need to keep the cuts fast and simple. As you will see in this video we used a number of different clips more than once which I thought worked really well as this made the clip seem fast and smooth which worked really well with a music clip. I decided that colour is highly important with a song that is happier rather than sad or depressive emotion. Therefore, with the song being more of an upbeat nature, I believed it would be relevant to include colour that was bright and vibrant.
I have learnt that in order to make a successful music video you need to be able to tell a story through the emotions of the actors as well as everything that is included in the mise en scene of the music video.

(Video to be Uploaded)

Preliminary Task – Documentary
The second of the three preliminary tasks was to create a documentary that appeared to be informative and of a relevant subject. The subject that I and the other two people I worked with decided to base our documentary around the sports facility here at our school Tavistock College. The conventions of a documentary is to keep it interesting by adding a number of cutaways as well as including interviews with people but adding a cutaway as the interviewee is talking as this makes the person speaking not seem to talk long to a point where the audience loses interest and seem more interesting. This is also a great way in showing the audience what that person is talking about.
What I have learnt from completing this preliminary task is the idea of using cutaways as well as the voice overs that we implicated over these and found this was a very successful technique to making a documentary interesting.
(Video to be Uploaded)

Preliminary Task – Television Advert
The final preliminary task to create was a moving television advert. The product that I and the other two got given to advertise was a men’s sure adventure can of deodorant. The conventions I learnt from creating a T.V advert was to keep what was happening within it clear and ensuring the audience are clear on what product is being advertised to them. I decided it would be a good idea to relate the plot of the advert around the can of deodorant which would be a guy working out in the gym and then using the can of deodorant after the work out. We also used the slogan which is also already marketed by Sure ‘Sure it won’t let you down’. 
What I have learnt from creating a television advert is how to make cuts fast and snappy and not drag as well as selling a product as clearly as possible in such a short space of time.


Sure advert - with music - complete cts from Tegan Cunningham on Vimeo.

History & Development

Documentaries that are televised find its roots in film, photo journalism and radio. The word documentary was not established until 1926 by a man named John Grierson. Before this, when the first documentaries where shown, these short films were called “actuality” films compared to the name more recognised today as being a documentary.

Early film before the 1900’s was dominated by the novelty of showing an event. They were single shot moments captured on film which were seen to be a train leaving a station, a boat docking or factory workers leaving work.

In 1922, Robert Flaherty film Nanook of the North, generally cited as the first feature length documentary. The film used many conventions of today’s documentary’s that are often broadcast such as third person narration.

Robert Flaherty’s first feature length documentary was seen to look like and include:-

·         Filmed in black and white

·         Use of sharp, sudden cuts

·         Long lasting cuts

·         Shot in a handheld style- Unsteady Camera

Codes and Conventions for modern day documentaries:-

·         Voice over

·         ‘Real’ footage of events

·         Realism

·         Archive footage/ stills

·         Interviews

·         Use of texts/ titles

·         Sound

·         Visual Coding (mise-en-scene/ props/ Setting)

The main difference between modern day documentaries and documentaries that where filmed in the 1900’s is documentaries present are now shot in colour with much advanced technology such as steady cams and cameras that are much more portable which gives a much wider range of footage, and not just scenes of long lasting cuts. This makes modern day documentaries much more appealing and less boring to watch compared to the first set of documentaries that had been broadcast to an audience.

How research has partly helped me with my project of filming an original documentary is recognising that fast cuts are highly important to include in any documentary. Also, I have learnt how to use mise-en-scene within a documentary clip such as showing close-ups in order to show the audience the importance of something and what the main focus the documentary is informing about. Also, I have learnt the basics behind making a documentary clip is the rule of thirds, editing (fast cuts) keep it interesting.

The BBC seems to be the best channel to air a documentary programmes as this channel already airs many documentaries of the sort such as current affairs all the way to documentaries about consumers rights. However, I have acknowledged there are TV channels that are designated to showing documentaries such as discovery channel but do not have near enough the same viewing figures as to what the BBC has.